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Ashtavargam Kwatham


It helps to eliminate digestive issues; additionally, it has a property to manage elevated Vata & Kapha and gives relief in pain, inflammation, and stiffness of joints.

Bala Arishtam


Bala Arishtam is used to heal ailments derived from a Vata Dosha irregularity such as physical weakness and neuromuscular diseases. This arishtam tones muscles and gives strength to bones. 

Balashwagandadi Oil


Balaswagandhadi Thailam is a rejuvenating and therapeutic ayurvedic oil. The rejuvenating qualities of the oil strengthen the muscles, tone the nerves, and improve nerve function. They are suggested for nervous conditions, muscular dystrophy, and debilitation.

Gandharvahastadi Oil


Gandharvahastatdi oil is administered orally to address conditions because of the imbalance of Pitta and Vata. oral consumption provides relief from fullness and gas, abdominal discomfort, irregular bowel habits.

Guggulutiktaka Ghritam


Guggulutiktaka Ghrita is a Vata pacifier in nature. It is being used for the management of bone issues and is beneficial for skin diseases as well.

Jatamayadi Churnam


Jatamayadi Choornam is the best remedy for pain and burning sensation associated with Gout (Vatarakta) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (Amavata).Efficient in reducing the swelling of Rheumatoid Arthritis, especially of Vata Pitha Nature. It can be mixed With milk or other liquids...

Manjistadi Kwath Tablets


The best supplement which helps to Pacifies Pitta dosha. It helps to control itching, burning, and cracked scaly skin between the toes of athletes. Best Skincare & blood purification formula. It helps to improve the skin's complexion, control painless, rough...