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Mental Clarity Tablets


Supports the optimal performance of the brain and nervous system. Promote all phases of mental performance, including memory, concentration, and learning capacity—ideal brain booster to all ages.

Immune Strong Tablets


More than ever, immunity matters nowadays, boosting the immune system can be one way to compact against the seasonal virus & Bacteria. This supplement is detoxifying and cleansing nature, which helps the body get rid of toxins, thereby enhancing the...

Jatamayadi Churnam


Jatamayadi Choornam is the best remedy for pain and burning sensation associated with Gout (Vatarakta) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (Amavata).Efficient in reducing the swelling of Rheumatoid Arthritis, especially of Vata Pitha Nature. It can be mixed With milk or other liquids...



Haridrakhand is an ayurvedic herbal supplement used for skin diseases and allergies. It is highly beneficial in urticaria (chronic hives) and all skin disorders identified by itching and skin rashes. It is also helpful in blisters and fungal infections of...

Samskrit Madhu


Samskrithamadhu (Ayurvedic Honey) Purified honey preserves all the nutrients & features of natural honey. It is fortified with dried ginger & it is useful for maintaining body weight, as a digestive, and as an appetizer. Especially useful for throat and...

Kanchanar Guggulu Tablets


Kanchanar Guggulu is usually used to support the healthy function of the Thyroid and to cleanse the lymphatic system. It also helps reduce the future collection of Kapha by igniting the digestive fire and promoting the healthy elimination of toxin...



Pippalyasavam (Pippalyasava) is used to relieve bowel issues, anemia, piles, cough, intestinal gas, and fevers. It acts on the stomach and improves the secretion of gastric juices. It also assists the liver and stimulates bile secretion into the intestine.  Its...

Abhay Arishtam


Abhayarishtam is a powerful liquid formulation of ayurvedic herbs, also known as Abhayarishta. It is a powerful Ayurvedic medicine for treating chronic constipation, piles (Bleeding and Non-Bleeding Hemorrhoids), fissures, and fistula. It helps to instantly relieve abdominal discomforts like indigestion,...

Prasaranyadi Kwath Tablets


Prasarinyadi Kwatham Tablets excess Vata Dosha and are mainly used in the Ayurvedic therapy of joint pain and musculoskeletal problems. It is generally used in treating frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis, and headaches. It acts as a natural analgesic and muscle...

Katakakhadiradi Kwath Tablets


It is utilized for diabetes management. It is necessary to relieve complications of diabetes, such as neuropathy. It helps to balance Vata and Kapha. It may help to heal skin complications(kustagna) that usually, diabetic people experience.

Manjistadi Kwath Tablets


The best supplement which helps to Pacifies Pitta dosha. It helps to control itching, burning, and cracked scaly skin between the toes of athletes. Best Skincare & blood purification formula. It helps to improve the skin's complexion, control painless, rough...

Balashwagandadi Oil


Balaswagandhadi Thailam is a rejuvenating and therapeutic ayurvedic oil. The rejuvenating qualities of the oil strengthen the muscles, tone the nerves, and improve nerve function. They are suggested for nervous conditions, muscular dystrophy, and debilitation.

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